NWA – Dutch Research Agenda

The Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA) was created through an innovative process with input from citizens and scientists. The questions posed by citizens have been compiled by the Knowledge Coalition into a number of urgent issues for research and innovation, from which 25 research “routes” have been formed on themes such as Water, Fundaments of space and time, Energy transition, Quality of the living environment, Measuring and detecting, Materials, Smart liveable cities, Big Data, SDGs for inclusive global development.

The NWA comprises several activities, including a research program focused on scientific breakthroughs and societal impact. This includes, among others, the call Research along Routes by Consortia (ORC), in which interdisciplinary consortia (of scientists, companies and/or civil organizations) can submit proposals on many themes. Co-financing of at least 10% of the total budget is mandatory. There is also the Thematic Programming of the NWA, where similar consortia can submit within specific calls on urgent themes such as Ecology and the North Sea, Climate adaptation and health, Big Data and promising start, SDG interactions and policy interventions in developing countries, Transition to a sustainable food system, Cyber security.

More information:

General NWO, and click on Dutch Research Agenda

General information on Dutch research Agenda